Yesterday. Yes, it was yesterday. Yesterday I was watching a news report about Japan on my Android. All of a sudden the video froze and up popped a message. A message. Typed. "Incoming call."
Dismissed the call and had to refresh browser to return to the report. Some people just got no consideration.
A well-swept yard was once the mark of a well-kept house and property, owned or lent
Well-Swept Yard Remembering why I began this blog as a place to put things about my family. Stories. Photographs. Memories. Half-truths. Al...
I met today with a a summer general education class. I like gen ed classes. They provide the greatest potential for reaching students. They ...
Well-Swept Yard Remembering why I began this blog as a place to put things about my family. Stories. Photographs. Memories. Half-truths. Al...
As best I understand the game rules for abandoning daylight savings time, at 2:00 AM on a given Sunday, the clock must be turned back to 1...