Showing posts with label death. Show all posts
Showing posts with label death. Show all posts

Wednesday, November 15, 2023


My father, Julius Page Allen, was a man of few words. Maybe as a consequence, I remember many of the things that he said. 

He said to me one day, "I just want to wake up dead." 

That is a marvelous attitude, thinking on arrival at that moment without thinking about suffering or guilt or any of the other things that often accompany dying. 

He had watched many people die. He knew. He knew that dying could come as the conclusion of a long days of suffering and insufferable visits from relatives who check in on you to see if you are dead yet. 

As it happens, he woke up on the day of his death. He had a nice breakfast. I think he did a reasonably good job of running a Norelco around his chin. "I'm ready for a nap." He liked a good nap and took one as often as he could. 

At any rate, he lay down. I hope he went to sleep. He did not get up. 

Tuesday, August 27, 2013

I just want to wake up dead

I just want to wake up dead

That is what my father always said about dying. A gentle, uneventful passing. 

This is what happened. He awoke on the fateful day, got up, ate his usual cholesterol-rich breakfast, and then returned to bed for a nap. 

He was in his mid-nineties. 

At some point somebody noticed that he did not look quite right. A check at the bedside revealed that he had died during his nap. As I see it, things turned out better than he had hoped for. He woke up, had a good breakfast, fell asleep and died. 

I'm glad he had the breakfast.  

Friday, May 6, 2011

While thinking of the Osama photographs

Photographs reveal more than the subject. A photograph always speaks of the intention of the maker or the intention of the subject cooperating with the maker. Alexander Gardner’s Civil War “What Do I Want, John Henry?” speaks volumes on the social attitudes within the Army of Liberation . The decision of Roy Stryker to widely release only one image of the Dorothea Lange Migrant Mother series tells us about a sway from reportage to poignancy. The several views of Che talk to us about the cooperation of the photographer in establishing the fame of the hunters (everybody gets his chance).

So, I do not want so much to see the Osama bin Laden death photographs as I would like to see them and think about what they mean, to see if I recognize an emotion or an illusion. Or maybe myself.

But I am also content to wait for the release. After all, that will not be long. I can see them in the grocery store checkout next week.

Millport Alabama, Windhams Store

 Many thanks to Ron Pennington for the following information He refers to his relative.  This is the store of Reuben Vaughn Windham and wife...