Showing posts with label Bea Daffron Guillard. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Bea Daffron Guillard. Show all posts

Tuesday, June 11, 2024

Little Beatrice

William Julius Allen, who as a man such advanced years that he might as well call himself an old man, says: My grandfather Will was fascinated by photography. That's where I got it. That's where I got the wonder. I too am fascinated by photographs. Today I make so many photographs that I should be ashamed of myself. But I'm not. 
Photographs are quite wondrous things and I am certain that Will Daffron liked making photographs because he could do it and could do it well. 
When I think back to that day when for the first time I stood above a developing tray and saw an image emerge from a blank piece of paper I think that my Grandfather Will was standing at my side as he said, "Is that not amazing!" Except that being a poet he would have said it more eloquently. 
Truth be told, Grandfather Will also saw photography as a way of earning some extra money, extra to that brought in by farming. 
Little Beatrice, Aunt Bea, holding a bouquet of wild flowers is posed against a dark backdrop, seemingly draped over whatever was at hand in that well-swept yard. It is a sweet picture. I see what appear to be slots for arms or horse legs or something on the material. 
I wonder if it is also example of the kind of picture that Will might have offered to make traveling about with minimal equipment and trying to pick up some extra money. I mean if you are a tenant farmer, why not also be an itinerant photographer? Folks with picture skills still did that then. God bless 'um. We are richer for the pictures. 
Aunt Bea, it's not your birthday. Granddaddy, it's not your birthday either. But then, you are ageless. Like a good photograph. 

Millport Alabama, Windhams Store

 Many thanks to Ron Pennington for the following information He refers to his relative.  This is the store of Reuben Vaughn Windham and wife...