Showing posts with label mid-sized state university. Show all posts
Showing posts with label mid-sized state university. Show all posts

Wednesday, August 28, 2013

What is wrong with this picture

What is wrong with this picture

At our (university) faculty meeting today we were given permission to skip teaching our classes tomorrow so that we can catch up with paperwork.

Sunday, January 9, 2011

Pannapacker at MLA: Digital Humanities Triumphant? - Brainstorm - The Chronicle of Higher Education

Pannapacker at MLA: Digital Humanities Triumphant? - Brainstorm - The Chronicle of Higher Education: "I wouldn’t worry about community colleges. Although two-year schools sometimes show little interest in theory, they have been ahead of the rest of us in using new technologies, at least in pedagogy."
That is a comment by Henry_Adams on Pannapacker's post in the Chronicle. The comment is right on target. I made the same observation when I was directing a tech center for faculty (some years ago--during that fuzzy time between Web 1 and Web 2). The two-year faculty had pedagogical question but mostly they had questions about how to stretch capabilities of common software--from presentation media to web work. As Blackboard made its appearance at the four-year campus, the community college regulars asked for accounts. I gave permission and even assisted in moving content from their WebCT LMS to our Blackboard system.

The reasons? I find them embedded in the post and the comments. The community college faculty members had teaching as their primary assignment and seemed to like the situation. While my local faculty members found themselves tied to the triad of professional responsibilities, and teaching ranked low at most levels of faculty evaluation, the community college faculty members knew that their evaluations would be linked to good teaching.

However, I do not think that all the two-year faculty members were after points in the academic game. Most of my contacts were with people who liked technology and believed that technology could be an aid in their profession. They were professional teachers.

What I did not do then was to try to find our of our community college transfer students if they brought superior technology skills to our campus--compared to our four-year students. Having skills does not predict student preparedness, but having tech skills that might be higher than our regular junior students does suggest good preparation.

Much of this has changed in recent years. The four-year "mission statement writers" finally discovered that students needed a grounding in those tech skills demanded by the employment market and so insisted that professors include tech skills as part of the expectation for students enrolled in our classes.

And that is the saddest part. The community college experience gave students a grounding in technology as a communication aid. I fear that my four-year institution's demand for tech skills is more directed towards knowing spreadsheets and presentation software and whatever other skills of the moment attach to a major. As most of us interested in a deeper view of technology know, the up-to-date skills of the classroom will be not-so-useful in the world of work.

I find satisfaction with the work I did several years ago. I am also grateful for the examples I saw among community college teachers. Those examples remain an inspiration.

Tuesday, June 29, 2010

The Mid-Sized State University

As the higher education crisis grows worse I see more clearly the characteristics of the mid-sized state university.
  • Wish for respect
  • Lack of respect
  • Imitation of perceived grand characteristics of the grand state university
  • Long mission statement marking out all territory that might be useful in the future
  • Tolerance of salary inequity justified by a vague concept of market value
  • Insistence to have what real universities have: sports at high level, research, terminal degrees, highly paid administrators
  • Budgets out of control
  • Reduction of the institutional mission to one item: survival

Millport Alabama, Windhams Store

 Many thanks to Ron Pennington for the following information He refers to his relative.  This is the store of Reuben Vaughn Windham and wife...