Showing posts with label academic. Show all posts
Showing posts with label academic. Show all posts

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Just what does Gmail know about my university?

Gmail is pretty clever at placing ads next to messages--ads that pertain somehow to what is in the message. I've noticed recently that when message from or about my university show up that an add for the University of Phoenix appears. I wonder if this means that Gmail thinks that I might want to work at another place or that it likens my university with UPhoenix. Hmm. Well, yes.

Friday, April 15, 2011

It's the conversation, stupid!

At times I reflect on the digital humanities. A transformation is afoot. I ask myself "Just what is it that's going on here?" I don't know. But I get hints. I follow others who find the relatively new world called "digital humanities" a world of interest. We explore and talk to one another. Most of my talk is via Twitter. Some of it is marginalia scribbled in comment boxes of blogs. I listen to others via all of the media available, including digital media.

We digital humanities folks take pride in impressive accomplishments in finding and receiving content in new ways, via new tools.

What occurs to me is that the digital humanities movement is at a moment of conversation. As we converse, we discover. Our communications are pointers. We discover new paths. And we share maps of our journeys.

Thursday, January 6, 2011

I talked to a colleague who said that submitting the productivity meant that he was being used

The time arrived. I must complete my annual report form telling my university what I did last year that ought to be regarded as meritorious. We faculty members used to refer to the form as the "merit pay form." Not so many years ago faculty members got pay raises based on a chair and/or dean evaluation and ranking of the reports.

I talked to a colleague who said that submitting the productivity meant that he was being used. The university could use his achievements to show itself active without giving him a dime for what he did. The mention of his achievements might even be considered false advertising. Marketing scheme. Interesting.

Millport Alabama, Windhams Store

 Many thanks to Ron Pennington for the following information He refers to his relative.  This is the store of Reuben Vaughn Windham and wife...