Tempting the Sun to Stand Still and Straining One's Clock-Setting Fingers In a Regimen That Resembles Either Life in Prison or Hell

As best I understand the game rules for abandoning daylight savings time, at 2:00 AM on a given Sunday, the clock must be turned back to 1:00 AM. The likelihood that most folk in America make the turn back earlier or later than 2:00 AM does not change the rules. The rule specifies that at 2:00 AM on the given Sunday the clock must be turned back to 1:00 AM. The problem with the procedure mandated by the rule is obvious. If the given-Sunday clock declares 2:00 AM, turn back the clock. Each time one turns back the clock to 1:00 AM, one establishes that the clock will need to be turned back by in another hour. When the clock reaches 2:00 AM the second time, the rule instructs us to turn back the clock. If one plays by the rule time will not stand still, but it will consist of an unrelenting circle of just one hour, the hour that lapses between 1:00 AM and 2:00 PM on the given Sunday.

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