Speech Written by Daughter of Tenant Farmer

Let's begin here. Spring 1927. The young woman is a junior, probably rising senior.

Her subject: 

Her speech. I invite you to read the photographs of the written remarks. I am including some paraphrasing mostly as a way of getting the student's intent recognised publicly. I think that is what she would want.

page 1 of speech written by Miss Lucille Daffron

It is a privilege
I speak to you on a subject of universal concern
I am certain that everybody is in favor of good education
Our system has made progress but education is still feeble because of inadequate funding.
Alabama is a wealthy state. It can afford to better support education.
Education is a state responsibility because we are a democracy and in a democracy the people should be educated
Our writer notes that Alabama is ahead of other states in terms of laws and regulations regarding public education. But other states are far ahead in terms of financing education. 
More to follow....

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