A search by Goggles
Originally uploaded by woodpainter
I love some of the similar images provided by Goggles. Some nice company for the Harrisburg courthouse. I wonder if these buildings are now introduced to each other.
A well-swept yard was once the mark of a well-kept house and property, owned or lent
I love some of the similar images provided by Goggles. Some nice company for the Harrisburg courthouse. I wonder if these buildings are now introduced to each other.
When time passes and the weather gets hot lettuce is bitter and unappetizing. However, lettuce left the summer to go to seed is beautiful. Give lettuce its place and time and add some water and the vegetable returns beauty.
Pannapacker at MLA: Digital Humanities Triumphant? - Brainstorm - The Chronicle of Higher Education: "I wouldn’t worry about community colleges. Although two-year schools sometimes show little interest in theory, they have been ahead of the rest of us in using new technologies, at least in pedagogy."That is a comment by Henry_Adams on Pannapacker's post in the Chronicle. The comment is right on target. I made the same observation when I was directing a tech center for faculty (some years ago--during that fuzzy time between Web 1 and Web 2). The two-year faculty had pedagogical question but mostly they had questions about how to stretch capabilities of common software--from presentation media to web work. As Blackboard made its appearance at the four-year campus, the community college regulars asked for accounts. I gave permission and even assisted in moving content from their WebCT LMS to our Blackboard system.
Well-Swept Yard Remembering why I began this blog as a place to put things about my family. Stories. Photographs. Memories. Half-truths. Al...